Special Stains
Alcian Blue/pH 2.5: stains both sulfated and carboxylated acid mucopolysaccharides and sulfated and carboxylated sialomucins (glycoproteins).
Alcian Blue/PAS: Acidic mucosubstances are stained with the alcian blue technique and neutral mucosubstances are stained by the PAS reaction.
AFB (Ziehl-Neelsen): for the demonstration of acid-fast organisms.
Argentaffin Granules, Fontana-Masson: for the demonstration of argentaffin substances such as melanin, argentaffin granules of carcinoid tumors, and some neurosecretory granules.
Calcium, Von Kossa’s: to identify the presence of calcium in tissue.
Colloidal Iron Hale’s: for demonstration of hyaluronic acid.
Congo Red: for the demonstration of amyloid.
Crystal Violet: for the demonstration of amyloid.
Elastic, Verhoeff’s: for the demonstration of elastic fibers.
Fungus, Grocott’s: for demonstration of fungus.
Giemsa-HP, Little Quicker: for the demonstration of Helicobacter pylori.
Gram, Brown & Hopps: for the demonstration of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms.
Iron, Gomori’s: detects the ferric iron in loosely bound protein complexes (as in hemosiderin).
Mucicarmine Stain: for demonstration of acid groups of mucin.
Oil Red O: for demonstration of Neutral Fat.
Periodic Acid Schiff: for the demonstration of polysaccharides, neutral mucosubstances, and basement membranes.
Periodic Acid Schiff with Diastase: a very sensitive histochemical method for glycogen and for demonstration of fungus.
Reticular Fibers, Gordon & Sweet’s: for the demonstration of reticular fibers in tissue sections.
Trichrome, Masson’s: used to differentiate between collagen and smooth muscle in tumors and to identify increases in collagenous tissue in diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver.
Warthin Starry: for the demonstration of spirochetes, Helicobacter pylori, and Bartonella henselae (Cat Scratch).